PigiPro 1 Milk Care

PigiPro 1 Milk Care

PigiPro 1 Milk Care Piglet Milk Replacer

The first days in the pigletsĀ  life are crucial. The newborn piglets need high quality
milk. By feeding PigiPro Milk Care piglet milk, survival chances and overall growth of the
piglets will increase while simultaneously reducing weight variations in the litter.

Pigipro 1 Milk Care
Day 2 – Weaning
Highly digestible
High vitamin E content
Suitable for both feeding next to the sow as well as motherless rearing
In the following table the growth of piglets (gram/ piglet/ day) being fed Pigipro 1
Milk Care is shown:


For any inquiries please email / call


Chris Mollan:

077 3906 1672 (North)

087 655 7575 (South)